To get a promotion, create value first. “Your true worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in payment.” — “The Go Giver” by Bob Berg and John David Mann How can you reach the next level of success? Think, dress and act like you’re already...
How can I control my emotions? This is a question I am often asked by clients, usually in regard to a certain situation. How can you control your mind? What do you really have control of? What most people wish for is control of thier spouse, parents, boss, kids?...
Want more confidence? Learn how to gain confidence by deeply receiving a compliment. Strengthening and weakening confidence is very complex, yet there’s one simple way to build it: learn how to gain confidence by learning how to deeply and fully receive a compliment....
Anais Nin – “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” You’re probably not confident when you have little or no experience with something, so you need courage. During graduate school, I accepted my first public speaking...
“The subconscious mind is our ‘autopilot’ and the conscious mind is our manual control.” –Dr. Bruce Lipton, author, The Biology of Belief Here is more from Dr. Lipton, “If a ball comes near your eye, the slower conscious mind may not have time to be aware of the...
World-class entrepreneurs, sales professionals and athletes are bold, courageous, gutsy. Elite performers including entrepreneurs, top sales professionals and athletes all have an element of boldness, they’re gutsy, courageous in their thoughts and actions. For...