“Definiteness of decision always requires courage, sometimes very great courage.” —from “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill Hill studied over 25,000 people who had experienced failure and concluded that lack of decision-making was a top cause. Leaders in...
Entrepreneurs start a business for various reasons: to attain more freedom, control of their life, or income; to build something great; or to make a difference (or for all these reasons!). As entrepreneurs expand their leadership team, the new leaders typically want...
An entrepreneur recently emailed me this: “I’m so exhausted!” I can’t count how many times I’ve heard that or something similar (“I’m overwhelmed” is also common) from entrepreneurial leaders over the past three decades. Entrepreneurial leaders often find themselves...
Have you ever had a coach or mentor challenge you because they saw your potential and believed in you? If so, how did you respond? If you manage a high performer, or potential high performer, whom you want to help excel and keep at your company, then be a great mentor...
To have a high-performance entrepreneurial team or organization, you must have people who live the company’s values (right people) in positions where they have the skills to be high performers (right seats). You must also lead, manage and hold accountable each of your...
“The time is always right to do what is right.” ~Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I’m deviating from my normal topics to share some personal thoughts. In a recent email to one of my best friends, John, I wrote: “Wow, Big Stud! It feels like the 1960s again, but different....