Gain control of automatic negative thoughts. The one emotion you should never think or express…
In the last post, I shared one of my favorite ways to purge daily negative thoughts and feelings — by using verbal vomit. This is great technique to gain control of automatic negative thoughts you have after a bunch of frustration. There is one negative thought/emotion that you should never express, because doing so makes it stronger and it’s dangerous. What do you think it is …
The one emotion you should never think or express…
Hate. The Dalai Lama, Nobel Peace Prize winner, says there are two emotions that can grow infinitely by being expressed: love and hate. Therefore, it’s enormously important not to hate, or express hate, in any way. Consider eliminating the word from your vocabulary and the concept from your consciousness. It takes courage to always turn from darkness to be in the light.
Hate’s darkness will cast a shadow your brilliance. Love’s light will illuminate your shadow.
– TC North