create stronger, high-performing entrepreneurial leadership teams

Attain a high-performance entrepreneurial team with people who live the company’s values (right people) in positions where they have the skills to be high performers (right seats) and are empowered by a healthy leadership team. 

Entrepreneurial Operating System: A system of simple tools and coaching to bring profound results.

Implementing EOS will help you and your leadership team get better at three things:


Aligning your whole organization with where you’re going and how you are going to get there.  Having 100% of everyone on the same page.


Executing on your vision with organization wide discipline, focus and accountability.


Making your leadership a high-performance leadership team that is cohesive, open, honest and deeply respects and likes one another and … who make great decisions together!

“EOS has revolutionized our company. As Founder I am now free to completely focus on what I’m best at, being creative and visionary. I no longer manage anyone, which has been incredibly liberating!” EOS is an amazing system, and TC is the perfect implementor for us because of his duel knowledge in mastering our business (EOS) and mastering our own minds (thoughts and emotions) through his Mindful Power™ techniques that he also teaches us.”

— Costas Peppas, Founder, Owner, Visionary/CEO, Agent Legend

make Your Business Fast, Fluid and flexible with strong and rapid growth

The EOS Model™ provides a visual illustration of The Six Key Components™ of any business that must be managed and strengthened to be a great business. This model is designed with small and medium sized businesses in mind.

The EOS Model: Real. Simple. Results
1. Vision

Strengthening this component means getting everyone in the organization 100% on the same page with where you’re going and how you’re going to get there.

2. People

You must have great people to achieve a big vision. Great people in your organization must fit your culture and be highly skilled in the role they own.

3. Data

This means cutting though all the feelings, personalities, opinions and egos and boiling your organization down to a handful of objective numbers that give you an absolute pulse on where things are. With the vison component strong, the people component strong and the data component strong, you start to create a lucid, transparent, open and honest organization where everything becomes more visible and you start to “smoke out all the issues” which leads to the 4th Key Component.

4. Issues

Strengthening this component means becoming great at solving problems throughout the organization- setting them up, knocking them down and making them go away forever. The bigger the issues you can solve, the greater value you create.

5. Process

This is the secret ingredient in your organization. This means “systemizing” your business by identifying and documenting the core processes that define your way to run your business– getting everyone on the same page with what the essential procedural steps are in your core processes and then getting everyone to follow them so you create consistency and scalability in your organization.

6. Traction

Traction is execution on your vision … with discipline, focus and accountability. Traction is where the rubber meets the road. A Vision without Traction is a hallucination!

“As company owner and visionary, EOS implementation® with TC has freed me! TC has provided both the EOS structure and coaching and we needed to strengthen the company so I could transition out of my Visionary and ownership roles. As a master coach, TC adds an incredible dimension to the structure of EOS with his knowledge of emotional intelligence, mindfulness and personal development. We value him so much, we consider him part of our team!”

– Nancy E. Clanton, PE, FIALD, FIES, LEED Fellow, Founder, Visionary & CEO Clanton & Associates

What companies benefit the most from EOS?


Companies with 10-250 employees


Those whose owners and leaders: are: growth-oriented, open honest and are excited to keep learning and growing to evolve their company


You’ll have 100% of your employees on the same page with your vision and they will be executing with discipline focus and accountability in a culture they love.


By helping you and your team focus on the “root cause” of your issues – EOS takes you below the surface to produce real, permanent change catalyzing growth.

Ready to See Results?


The EOS Process provides a proven way to put all the pieces together, incorporating each of the EOS® Tools in the right order to best strengthen each key component of your business.


  • The Free 90 Minute Workshop. Led by  Certified EOS Implementer, TC North, the 90 Minute Workshop introduces your leadership team to EOS, getting everyone on the same page to decide if you want to use the system and tools to strengthen your company.


  • The Focus Day™. A day to give your leadership team tools to clarify who’s responsible for what, set priorities, improve communication, resolve issues and track critical numbers. Your leadership team then uses their new tools for the next 30 days to experience real improvement.
  • Vision Building™ Day 1. Another day with your leadership team that starts by reviewing and sharpening the Focus Day tools. You will then begin to use the Vision/Traction Organizer™ (V/TO) tool to clarify your vision, starting with who you are, why you exist, what you do and where you are going. You will also get a great tool for reviewing your people. Your team again uses the tools for the next 30 days to experience more improvement. This is a spaced-learning approach which has proven to be most effective for quickly gaining proficiency with the tools.
  • Vision Building Day 2.  Another day with the leadership team to master the Focus Day tools and continue using the V/TO tool to complete your vision, clarify your Marketing Strategy, 3-Year Picture™, 1-Year Plan and priorities for the next 90 days. With your leaders now focused and all on the same page, you’ll use the tools for the next 90 days to execute your plan and experience more improvement.


  • Quarterly Sessions. A day with your leadership team every 90 days to evaluate their performance, refocus, set priorities for the next 90 days and resolve any issues that might impede progress.  Your team experiences measurable growth and improvement every 90 days – Traction.
  • Annual Sessions. Two days with your leadership team each year to work on team health and update the vision and plan for the next year and next quarter.


A healthy, focused leadership team and organization that makes continual progress towards achieving everything in their vision.

“Since implementing EOS with TC, our leadership team’s effectiveness and productivity have skyrocketed.” Our meetings are productive. We get things done! Implementing EOS has been a game changer!”

— Jeri Schneebeck, O.D., F.C.O.V.D., Founder, Visionary and CEO


Sign up for your FREE 90 Minute Workshop!

In our complimentary, no obligation, 90 minute workshop we’ll discuss the keys to see if EOS is a good fit for your company:

  • About Us
  • About You
  • The Tools
  • The Process

Take your business from chaos to clarity!


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