Dr. TC North

How to Master Fear Part VII: Have a Fearless Focus
In this seventh video on how to master fear, we share the purpose of mastering fear. We redefine it as energy and view it as a continuum with excitement ―two poles, one positive and one negative, of the same energy. We review from a previous video on peak performance...

How to Master Fear Part VI: Reality Check
Part VI is, you need to do a reality check. How probable is the worst-case scenario?The previous step in this master fear in six steps technique was understanding your worst-case scenario. In order to make peace with your worst-case scenario, you’ll need to do a...

How to Master Fear Part V: Worst-Case Scenario
Coming to peace with your worst-case scenario is a powerful step in mastering fear. In this video, my speaker agent Kim Tracy and I discuss the fourth, and potentially transformative, step in my six-step technique to master fear. Please remember, mastering fear...

How to Master Fear Part IV: Disidentify With Fear
In this video, speaker agent Kim Tracy and I discuss the third step in my six-step technique to master fear. A reminder: Mastering fear doesn’t mean you don’t have fear. It means you know what fears you have and you’re in control of them rather than them being in...

How to Master Fear Part III: Embrace Fear
In this video, we discuss the second step in my six-step technique to master fear. First, a quick review - Mastering fear doesn’t mean you don’t have fear. It means you know what fears you have and you’re in control of them instead of them being in control of you....

How to Master Fear Part II: Identify Your Fears
Part II of our “How to Master Fear” series takes you through a process for identifying fears that are associated with each of the “big four fears.” Identifying your fears is the first step in my six-step technique to master fear. Remember from the first video that the...

How to Master Fear Part I: The Big 4 Fears
Stress, anxiety, nervousness, worry and frustration are part of most of our lives. Did you know that there’s usually one underlying cause for all of these? There is — it’s fear. Here's a six step process to put you in control, to help you master fear. Many kinds of...

Lessons from Rio: Perform Your Best – Using Routines
Performing your best under stress. Do you know how to thrive under the pressure that crushes those who aren’t mentally tough? Like the great Olympians, to perform your best you can learn to create an optimal state of mind, usually relaxed and confident before engaging...

Lessons From Rio: Performing Your Best – Mental Rehearsal
Mental rehearsal helps world-class athletes, executives, entrepreneurs sales professionals, brain surgeons and others be their best when it counts the most. When is it most important for you to be at your best? Typically, it’s when you’re under stress in a difficult...
Dr. North is a certified Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) Implementer, Entrepreneur Coach, Techstars All-Star Mentor, best selling author and International Speaker based in the Denver and Boulder, Colorado areas who works globally.