Dr. TC North

Beyond Your Comfort Zone Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable
Do you inspire others with your courage and willingness to take well thought-out risks? Do you stay with what's comfortable? Or do you push yourself out of your comfort zone and inspire others to do the same? Can you imagine an athlete who only trains in comfort and...

Fearless Leaders Power of Passion ColoradoBiz TV
“Fearless Leaders” book Part 4: Dr. TC North on ColoradoBiz TV with Associate Editor Lisa Ryckman. Unrelenting Fire (the Power of Passion). This is the fourth part of the Fearless Leaders book interview with Lisa Ryckman and me. Unrelenting fire, or passion is the...

Master Fear of Failure and Fear of Success – Podcasts
How to master fear of failure and fear of success 1 Simple thing podcasts. For those who like pod casts, here are two 15 minute podcasts I delivered on the Dave Kirby show for entrepreneurs, 1 Simple Thing. One podcast is on how to master fear of failure and the...

Mindfulness in Leadership. Develop Mindful Power
Executive Coach Dr. TC North on ColoradoBiz TV with Associate Editor Lisa Ryckman. “Fearless Leaders” book Part 3: Develop Mindful Power - Mindfulness in Leadership! Lisa: Let’s talk about the third defining characteristic of Fearless Leaders. Tell us about that. Dr....

Success Mindset – Becoming a Mindset Master
Dr. TC North, Co-author of Fearless Leaders on ColoradoBiz TV with Associate Editor Lisa Ryckman. Part 2: Becoming a mindset master. [Developing a success mindset] Lisa Ryckman: Let’s talk about the second fearless leaders defining characteristic. Tell us about that....

Act With Inspiring Courage, Part 1: Fearless Leaders Book
Dr. TC North, Co-author of Fearless Leaders, on ColoradoBiz TV with Associate Editor Lisa Ryckman. Act With Inspiring Courage. I am very excited about this four-part ColoradoBiz TV series on my Fearless Leaders book. Here is the first interview on the first...

Be a Mindset Master, Sales Success Begins In The Mind
In sales, the right mindset is foundational to success If business leaders and sales professionals put as much emphasis on preparing their minds for success as world-class athletes do, they would likely be much more relaxed, confident and extraordinary! Please...

How To Overcome Fear of Failure and Turn It Into Success
Do you control fear, or does fear control you? "It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed." - Theodore Roosevelt Do you have the courage to fail in order to succeed? Fearless Leaders don’t like to fail. Some even say they hate to fail, but...

Confident Selling, Being Your Best Selling Under Stress
Have confidence selling under pressure, like a world class athlete in competition. Summarized from my book Fearless Leaders Have you ever wondered what goes through the mind of a world champion athlete in the final moments before they compete? Jeremy Bloom, a...
Dr. North is a certified Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) Implementer, Entrepreneur Coach, Techstars All-Star Mentor, best selling author and International Speaker based in the Denver and Boulder, Colorado areas who works globally.