Great leaders often possess a trait that may initially seem counterintuitive: They want you to change their mind. This mindset, rooted in curiosity and humility, is a hallmark of those with healthy egos. While decisiveness is undoubtedly an important leadership trait, the ability to reevaluate one’s stance in the face of compelling evidence is equally critical. Why is this?

The Growth-Oriented Leader

When making decisions or revisiting past ones, exceptional leaders prioritize truth and progress over ego or tradition. They don’t focus on proving themselves right but on pursuing the best possible outcomes for themselves, their organizations, and their teams. This requires a willingness to challenge existing assumptions and remain open to new perspectives.

Such leaders thrive in environments where others feel empowered to present strong, well-reasoned cases—especially when those arguments differ from their own views. This collaborative process fosters innovation and ensures continual evolution, whether in business, personal development, or family dynamics. It exemplifies a growth mindset.

Fixed Mindset vs. Growth Mindset

Mindset plays a fundamental role in how individuals approach challenges, relationships, and growth. Below are the key differences between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset.

Fixed Mindset Growth Mindset
Believes abilities, intelligence, and talents are innate and static Believes abilities, intelligence, and talents can be developed through dedication and hard work
Avoids challenges for fear of failure or looking incompetent Embraces challenges as opportunities to grow
Views effort as fruitless if success doesn’t come naturally Views effort as essential for improvement and mastery
Feels threatened by others’ success Finds inspiration in others’ success
Often gives up easily when faced with obstacles Perseveres in the face of setbacks, treating them as learning experiences

These contrasting mindsets profoundly influence how individuals approach problem-solving, collaboration, and self-improvement.

Embracing Debate to Drive Innovation

Tim Cook, the current Apple CEO, once shared an insightful anecdote about working with Steve Jobs. “You could always change [Steve’s] mind if you had the best idea,” he said. “We changed each other’s minds. That’s the reason it worked so well. Often, Jobs played devil’s advocate and took a stance he didn’t believe in to spark a spirited discussion. He felt this was the best way to learn.”

This willingness to change one’s mind wasn’t a sign of indecision but a testament to Jobs’ commitment to finding the best ideas, no matter where they originated. It also reflected his ability to cultivate a culture where debate and intellectual rigor thrived.

Shaping Your Mindset: The Path to Progress or Stagnation

Nobody can give you a mindset, and nobody can take it away. Your mindset is entirely within your control. So…will you choose a growth mindset or a fixed mindset?

A growth mindset enables you to view challenges as opportunities, see effort as a path to mastery, and embrace others’ success as a source of inspiration. It allows you to listen to differing opinions and reconsider your stance without feeling diminished. In contrast, a fixed mindset locks you into a rigid belief system that resists change and stifles progress.

The next time you have a strong opinion, consider using a specific growth mindset, such as: “Please make a great case that will change my mind.” It’s not a sign of weakness but of confidence, humility, and a relentless pursuit of growth.

The Ultimate Goal

Whether you’re leading a business, a team, or your own life, adopting a growth mindset can transform the way you approach decisions and relationships. After all, the ultimate goal isn’t to be infallible—it’s to be better every day.

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Image by Mohamed Hassan